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Q4 Game Plan: How to Win Black Friday and Cyber Monday

DTC MarketingBlog

How to Win Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Welcome to Q4 — and what we consider to be Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) season. As we prepare for the biggest sales events of the year in just less than two months’ time, we’re sharing the top strategies we’re looking to to help our brand partners win Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Keep scrolling for our game plan on all things BFCM digital marketing.v

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead for when your ads will run and attempt to align them with peak shopping times. Running ads throughout the weekend between Black Friday and Cyber Monday is imperative for keeping consumer interest between sale days (or over the sale weekend).

Audience Segmentation

Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior or interests. Create a segment that retargets past visitors with special deals to reignite their interest and maintain their loyalty.

Budget Allocation

Set budgets for each campaign and platform — Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and any others. Consider adjusting your budgets as necessary to ensure ad campaigns are reaching as many of the right eyes as possible.

Create Compelling Ads

Evoke urgency by designing eye-catching visuals and writing ad copy that speaks to the limited time nature of your offer. There will be plenty of other visuals to compete with, so standing out is essential.

Optimize Landing Pages

Create dedicated, mobile-friendly pages for a seamless experience. Sending your shoppers across your site to find the items included in your BFCM offer or, even more simply, your best selling items can cause fatigue and deter a shopper from completing a purchase.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different ad variations to refine performance. Testing email subject lines, graphic designs, copy content and more are all relevant tests to perform in preparation for the upcoming season. Continue testing through the season to inform future strategies.

Post-Sale Connect

Retaining customers starts with continued brand engagement. Don’t forget to engage post-sale to make sure you see the same customers back for next year’s BFCM sales, too.

Most importantly, stay adaptable during the BFCM season. Keeping a close eye on metrics and tweaking and optimizing your campaigns helps in your brand’s relevancy with your consumers. That adaptability allows you to jump into action at any moment during an unpredictable shopping season. Impressed with our strategies? Our team’s ready to maximize Black Friday and Cyber Monday for your brand. Everything you need to get started on your next great partnership is at